Creating a dashboard for your office space is a cool idea that many realise early on, a good dashboard will affect the motivation and engagement of your team. We created a SaaS solution that gives you the power to create a beautiful themed dashboard in minutes. GlimpseDash is available everywhere with an internet connection and works on PCs, Mobile Phones and SmartTVs. So sign up now and make your data do the motivation for you. One of the first customers who use our dashboard in development is Adultcams Chat. They use it for monitoring models and helping them to work online by moderating live chat rooms.
You can create a dashboard that will be themed like your company style, color logo and more!
You and the team can access the application from anywhere with an internet access. In addition GlimpseDash works on computers mobile devices and SmartTVs.
Many will create a dashboard to be shown in the office. We think you should spend your dev time on stuff that really move the needle for your team, and leave the Dashboard to us.